Plan for 2024 - 2023 Review
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At the beginning of 2023, I had the following goals.
Find a single well matched kidney donor
Graduate from Duke with a MBA
Launch a Search Fund to Find a business with a EBITDA of 2 million and up
Be able to run a half marathon
Potentially go to law school or the WHF program
The outcomes were as follows.
I started the year planning to mass email churches to find potential donors. Although I did recieve positive responses from the churches I reached out to the only church I was able to present to was the church I am previously connected to, SPringfield Gardens. Then I started passing out kidney fliers outside the NYPL near Times Square. That didn’t work. The inflection point came when I went to the NKDO Symposium. There I was able to connect with some people who offered to run my kidney campaign. From there, I passed out postcards at the US Open and a Farmers Market in North Bergen, but the real inflection point came when I started to do Facebook ads. At first the cost per donor was relatively high, at 250 dollars, but it started to trend downwards as there was better copy and we started advertising near the hollidays. The Facebook ads, coupled with reaching out to alumni, brought forth 20 potentials to be tested. In addition, to my total surprise, I recieved a call for a deceased donor around December 28. This means I am at the top of the deceased donor list and should be expecting a transplant soon.
I graduated Duke with a MBA in May 2023. This was a success.
I decided to go the self funded search route instead of the traditional route because of better economics ( 80 percent direct ownership). I formed Gamaliel Holding Company in October 2023. I officially started searching the last week of July, 2023, a week before my 28th birthday.
I haven’t started running consistently again.
I was waitlisted then rejected from the law schools and I was rejected by the WHF program.
This year, I have several goals.
Find a perfectly matched live kidney donor and be transplanted, if it’s God’s Will.
Acquire a business with over 1.5 million in cash flow for a good price.
Be able to run a half marathon easily
Creae a disciplined regimen to take medication (in case it’s needed)
Take scheduled time for Bible reading, mindfullness, and meditation
My goal is to have all these objectives reach green by the end of 2024. I would go through each to discuss potential timetables.
The timetable for this one is truly as soon as possible. This very minute if possible. I will not put any plans for this because God willing, it can happen at any time. What I can do is to prepare.
I expect that when the transplant happens, I will have to take 1 to 3 months to recuperate. As such, I have to create systems that operate on autopilot until I am ready to make active moves. This is particularly important for my teaching and business.
I think the order for finding and acquiring a business can go as follows:
January 1 to March 31
Conduct an extensive marketing campaign to reach 100k businesses.
Evaluate at least 1 to 5 percent of them (1000 to 5000 businesses)
Make bids informed by market and industry dynamics
Explore whether to include pension funds, family offices, and other potential commercial lenders
Find Lawyers, QoE Specialists, and other Due diligence personell to make a acquisition work'
April 1 to September 30
Work through the acquisition, properly evaluate the company, map out the future plan’
Close the acquisition and begin to run the company
I want to incorporate excercise back into my life. I think I can start that by taking scheduled measured walks on the treadmill. From there, I will advance to running. I will progressively run more until I reach my goal. I also feel that I should add a sport that I regularily go to. I don’t know what the sport is, but it should be something that interests me.
Medication Regime:
I have to start forming a habit of taking my medication at 9AM and 9PM. I have to put together a system of reminders/incentives to ensure this.
Scheduled time:
I have to take scheduled unstructured time for Bible reading, mindfullness, and meditation.
Although this is not officially on the list, I feel like I should add it as well. I should look for opportunities to volunteer, whether for politics or another civic or social objectives. I should look to apply the things I have learned to this as well.